Julien and Hervé are now at the Botany 2013 conference in New Orleans. We will both give talks tomorrow in the colloquium on The critical role of plant fossils in divergence dating studies organized by Liz Hermsen and Maria Gandolfo.
The first eFLOWER Summer School, co-organized by Hervé Sauquet and Jürg Schönenberger, took place at the Faculty Centre of Biodiversity of the University of Vienna, from July 3 to 10, 2013.
18 students and postdocs from 12 different countries helped us reach the first targets of the eFLOWER project during six days of intense work in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Thanks to them, and to the fantastic lecturers we had invited (incl. Peter Endress, Susana Magallon, and Brian O'Meara), the School was a great success! For more information, see here. See also this news release from the University of Vienna (in German). |
May 2019